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The Wielding

J. E. Diaz

      A collection of short stories seasoned with unique perspective and a dash of wit, Wandering Spring takes you on an intimate journey through the woods of Winhall, Vermont as the author invites you to wander with him. “But be warned,” he writes. “There is a great danger lurking in the woods that sets wandering apart from other outdoor experiences…”


          Even if you’ve never ventured beyond sight of the road, Wandering Spring will inspire you to go walking in the woods, wherever your woods may be. 

          In his second book, Wisdom of the Vernal Woods, the author takes us deeper into the forest where wisdom stalks the unsuspecting. “There is wisdom lurking in the woods that may challenge preconception…”


          Following in the footsteps of Wandering Spring, J. E. Diaz weaves another collection of nonfiction and fiction against the backdrop of spring woods in Vermont. Sure to entertain, Wisdom of the Vernal Woods may change your view of the forest.

Who writes our stories? Who chronicles the great and small events in our history? What details are overlooked, omitted, or even unknown? For that matter, what inaccuracies are inserted, asserted, or otherwise thrust upon generation after generation?




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